126 ₹ 130 ₹
Availability: In Stock
Content: chama
Brand: mil8
Weight: 300 g
Type: Millet

Chama Rava is a versatile instant porridge mix. To prepare, simply add boiling water or milk to the desired amount of Chama Rava, stir well, and let it sit for a few minutes. Customize the taste by adding sweeteners, fruits, or nuts. Enjoy a quick and nutritious breakfast or snack that's rich in fiber and energy. Chama Rava is a convenient solution for those on the go or seeking a wholesome meal in no time. Experiment with various toppings to suit your palate and kickstart your day with this delicious and easy-to-use porridge mix.



  1. Measure out the desired amount of Chama Rava instant porridge mix into a bowl.
  2. Boil water or milk separately in a kettle or on the stovetop.
  3. Once the water or milk is boiling, carefully pour it into the bowl containing the Chama Rava mix.
  4. Stir well to combine the ingredients until the porridge reaches your desired consistency. If it's too thick, you can add more water or milk; if it's too thin, you can add more Chama Rava mix.
  5. Let the porridge sit for a minute or two to thicken further and cool slightly before serving.
  6. You can also customize your porridge by adding toppings such as fresh fruit, nuts, seeds, honey, or cinnamon according to your taste preferences.


  • Chama Rava instant porridge mix
  • Boiling water or milk (quantity as per your preference)
  • Carbohydrates: Porridge is typically a carbohydrate-rich food due to the grains it contains. Carbohydrates provide energy and can contribute to feelings of fullness and satisfaction.

  • Protein: Some instant porridge mixes may contain added protein, especially if they are marketed as high-protein options. Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth.

  • Fiber: Whole grains like oats are a good source of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion, promotes satiety, and supports overall gut health.

  • Fat: Depending on the ingredients used, there may be some fat content in the instant porridge mix. This could come from sources like nuts, seeds, or added fats.

  • Vitamins and minerals: Many instant porridge mixes are fortified with vitamins and minerals, such as iron, calcium, vitamin D, and B vitamins, to enhance their nutritional value.

  • Added sugars: Some instant porridge mixes may contain added sugars or sweeteners for flavor. Be mindful of the sugar content, especially if you're trying to limit your intake.

Cook Chama Rava by boiling 1 cup in 2 cups of water. From upma to idli batter, this wholesome grain brings a nutty flavor and fiber boost to your meals, making it a versatile and healthy choice.

Using Chama Rava instant porridge mix is typically straightforward. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to prepare it:

  1. Measure the Amount: Decide how much porridge you want to make and measure out the appropriate amount of Chama Rava instant porridge mix.

  2. Boil Water or Milk: Heat water or milk in a kettle or on the stovetop until it reaches a boiling point. The amount of liquid you use depends on your desired consistency for the porridge.

  3. Add Chama Rava Mix: Once the water or milk is boiling, carefully pour it over the measured amount of Chama Rava instant porridge mix in a bowl or mug.

  4. Stir Well: Use a spoon to thoroughly mix the boiling water or milk with the porridge mix until it's well combined. Make sure there are no lumps and the porridge is smooth.

  5. Let it Sit: Allow the porridge to sit for a minute or two to thicken and cool slightly. This helps it achieve the desired consistency and temperature for serving.

  6. Customize (Optional): If desired, you can customize your Chama Rava porridge by adding toppings such as fresh fruit, nuts, seeds, honey, cinnamon, or other flavorings according to your taste preferences.

  7. Serve and Enjoy: Once the porridge has reached your desired consistency and temperature, it's ready to serve. Enjoy your warm and comforting Chama Rava instant porridge as a nutritious breakfast or snack.