Welcome to Milletology

Welcome to Milletology Pvt Ltd, a forward-thinking company where tradition meets innovation to redefine the future of food. Founded by millet expert Mini Sreenivasan and her husband Sreenivasan, our mission is to revolutionize the health food sector by offering the finest millet-based products that deliver both superior taste and unmatched health benefits.

Family-Centric Health Solutions

At Milletology, we believe that good health starts in the family kitchen. Our comprehensive range of products, including ready-to-eat snacks and ready-to-cook mixes, is designed to make healthy eating accessible and enjoyable for both parents and children. From breakfast cereals like muesli and pancakes to savory treats like dosa mixes and instant noodles, each item is tailored to meet the nutritional needs of modern families without compromising on taste or convenience.

Commitment to Quality and Sustainability

We maintain the highest standards of quality and sustainability in every aspect of our operations. Our millets are sourced directly from trusted local farmers, grown organically and sustainably to ensure every grain supports not just our health, but the health of the planet. This partnership emphasizes our commitment to sustainable agricultural practices and supports the livelihoods of local farming communities.

Innovative Approaches to Traditional Grains

Using state-of-the-art food processing technologies, we transform traditional millet grains into contemporary culinary delights. Our innovative approach ensures that each product not only retains the natural goodness of millets but also appeals to health-conscious individuals and fitness enthusiasts who do not want to compromise on flavor or nutritional value.

Join Our Movement

Milletology is more than just a food company; we are a movement dedicated to promoting a healthier, more sustainable future. By choosing Milletology, you are not just opting for a nutritious diet—you are also supporting a larger vision that includes sustainable agriculture and empowering local farmers.

Founder of Milletology - Mini Sreenivasan

Image founder

Mini Sreenivasan is the visionary founder of Milletology Pvt Ltd, a company dedicated to transforming the landscape of health food through the power of millets. With an extensive background as a millet expert, Mini has been at the forefront of advocating for the reintroduction of these ancient grains into modern diets, highlighting their nutritional benefits and sustainability.

Before founding Milletology, Mini had a thriving career in IT, but her passion for nutrition and sustainable agriculture led her to pivot towards food entrepreneurship. Alongside her husband, Sreenivasan, she embarked on a mission to make healthy eating accessible and enjoyable for families everywhere. Her deep knowledge of millets, combined with her technical expertise, has been instrumental in developing innovative, tasty, and nutritious food products.

Mini is not just a business leader; she is a champion of women’s empowerment and a supporter of local farming communities. Under her leadership, Milletology not only supports organic farming practices but also ensures that these practices are sustainable and beneficial for the environment. Her work extends beyond the company, involving active participation in community education, where she teaches the benefits of millets at various seminars and workshops.

Her dedication has earned her recognition in the health and wellness community, and she continues to inspire many by championing a diet that’s good for people and the planet. Mini Sreenivasan remains committed to her vision of a healthier world, making Milletology a beacon of innovation in the health food industry. Join her as she leads the way in making every meal a celebration of health and sustainability.